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ArcGIS רҵ²Ù×÷ÒªÇó£¬Ä㶼»áÁËÂð£¿


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Esri Technical
Certification: Skills
Review for ArcGIS®
Desktop ProfessionalCopyright © 2011 Esri

Course goals
Using the course workbook ʹÓÿγ̵ÄÊé
Additional resources Ïà¹ØµÄ×ÊÔ´
Installing the course data ×°ÔØÊý¾Ý
1 Working with coordinate systems and spatial references ºÍ×ø±êϵͳºÍ¿Õ¼ä²ÎÕÕ
Lesson introduction
Key terms
Evaluate data display to determine a problem ³õ²½Ì½ÌÖÊý¾Ý·¢ÏÖÎÊÌâ
Locate differences between data displays ¿Õ¼ä·Ö²¼²îÒì
Why are these images so different?
What is causing these snapping issues? ÊÇʲôԭÒòʹµÃ¿Õ¼ä·Ö²¼²îÒ죿
Does this problem look familiar? ÕâЩÎÊÌâ¿´ÆðÀ´ºÍ֮ǰµÄÎÊÌâÓйØÁªÂð£¿
Accuracy and precision ¾«È·¶ÈºÍ׼ȷ¶È
Tolerance Èݲî
Exercise 1A: Explore and diagnose data quality issues ¼ì²éÊý¾ÝÖÊÁ¿
Make a folder connection ½¨Á¢Îļþ¼ÐÁ¬½Ó
Create new feature class ´´½¨ÒªËØ
Digitize features  Êý×Ö»¯ÒªËØ
Align data from different scales ²»Í¬³ß¶ÈµÄÊý¾Ý½áºÏ
Diagnose the problem Õï¶ÏÎÊÌâ
Data draws in different parts of coordinate space Êý¾ÝÔÚ²»Í¬×ø±êÏÂÏÔʾ
What's wrong here?
What will happen in this situation? ÔÚÕâÑùµÄÇé¿öÏ»ᷢÉúʲô£¿
Have you ever seen something like this? ÄãÓп´¹ýÕâÑùµÄÇé¿öÂð£¿
Coordinate systems ×ø±êϵͳ
Geographic coordinate systems µØÀí×ø±êϵͳ
Datums »ù×¼Çò
Datums affect coordinate values ²»Í¬ÍÖÇòÌå¶Ô×ø±êµÄÓ°Ïì
Projected coordinate systems ͶӰ×ø±êϵͳ
PCS parameters ÍÖÇòÌå²ÎÊý
Activity: Choose the right map projection Ñ¡ÔñÊʺϵØͼµÄͶӰ×ø±êϵͳ
Test your knowledge
Exercise 1B: Work with coordinate systems and projections
Work with misaligned data ¾ÀÕýͼÐÎÊý¾Ý
Identify an unknown coordinate system ¶¨ÒåÒ»¸öδ֪µÄ×ø±êϵͳ
Add data with similar GCS ÓÃÏàͬµÄµØÀí×ø±êϵͳ¼ÓÔØÊý¾Ý
Add data with an incorrect GCS Óò»¶ÔµÄµØÀí×ø±êϵͳ¼ÓÔØÊý¾Ý
Add data with a different PCS and GCS
Optional: Append several roads layers together
Lesson review
Answers to Lesson 1 questions

i2 Managing data in ArcGIS ¹ÜÀíÊý¾Ý
Lesson introduction
Key terms
Types of geodatabases µØÀíÊý¾ÝÀàÐÍ
Activity: Choosing the right geodatabase Ñ¡Ôñ¶ÔµÄÊý¾ÝÀàÐÍ
Getting data into the geodatabase °ÑÊý¾Ý¼ÓÔؽøÈëµØÀíÊý¾Ý¿â
Activity: Determine appropriate data-loading scenarios Ñ¡ÔñºÏÊʵÄÔØÈë»·¾³
Exercise 2A: Adding data to the geodatabase
Create a geodatabase
Convert shapefiles into geodatabase feature classes ´Óshp¸ñʽµ¼ÈëÒªËص½mdb
Set up a model iterator Ñ¡Ôñģʽµü´úÆ÷
Create a feature dataset and migrate feature classes to it ´´½¨ÒªËؼ¯
Add data to feature dataset  °ÑÊý¾Ýµ¼Èëµ½ÒªËؼ¯
Challenge: Convert rasters to geodatabase using an iterator ת±äÕ¤¸ñÊý¾Ýµ½µØÀíÊý¾Ý¿âʹÓõü´úÆ÷£¿
Geodatabase validation  accuracy  µØÀíÊý¾Ý¿âµÄ׼ȷ¶È
Schema changes ģʽ¸Ä±ä
Rasters in the geodatabase Õ¤¸ñÊý¾ÝµÄ
Working with networks in the geodatabase ÍøÂçÊý¾Ý
Types of networks
Linear referencing ÏßÐÔ²ÎÕÕ
Geocoding µØÀí±àÂë
Composite locators µØÖ·ÊÊÅäÆ÷
Exercise 2B: Create geodatabase behaviors
Prepare data for subtypes
Create subtypes
Create a domain ´´½¨Óò
Answers to Lesson 2 questions
Challenge solution: Convert rasters to geodatabase using an iterator

3 Ways to approach GIS analysis ѧϰGIS¿Õ¼ä·ÖÎö
Lesson introduction¡¡¿Î³Ì¼ò½é
Key terms
Analysis workflow ·ÖÎö²½Öè
Determine analysis based on data È·¶¨·ÖÎöÒªµÄÊý¾Ý
Activity: ArcGIS analysis methods ·ÖÎö·½·¨
Describe methodology to automate making the map book ×Ô¶¯ÖÆͼ
Fixing broken data layers in ArcMap ÔÚArcMapÐÞ²¹´íÎóÊý¾Ý
What is ArcPy? ʲôÊÇArcPy
Listing data ÁбíÊý¾Ý
Python functions Pythonº¯Êý
Locating a vineyard È·¶¨ÆÏÌÑÔ°
Weighted suitability analysis ²»Í¬µÄȨÖصķÖÎö
Determine suitability È·¶¨ÊʺϵIJÎÊý
Exercise 3A: Locate missing hiker and route helicopters È·¶¨×ßʧµÄÈ˺Ͱ´Â·Ïß×ßµÄÖ±Éý»ú
Map the location where the hiker was last seenÈ·¶¨×îºó¼ûµ½hikerµÄµØ·½
iiSelect search and rescue resources Ñ¡ÔñºÏÊʵÄËѾÈ×ÊÔ´
Acquire and evaluate a model and script È·¶¨·ÖÎöµÄÄ£ÐÍ
Edit model parameters ÐÞ¸ÄÄ£ÐͲÎÊý
Add a script tool to the model °Ñ½Å±¾µ¼È뵽ģÐÍÖÐÈ¥
Challenge: Make a new toolbar and add functionality ´´½¨ÐµĹ¤¾ßÌõºÍ¼ÓÈ뺯Êý
Exercise 3B: Determine best place to land a helicopter ÕÒµ½×îºÃµÄµØ·½½µÂäÖ±Éý»ú
Analyze tool parameters and model outputs ·ÖÎö¹¤¾ßµÄ²ÎÊýºÍÄ£Ð͵ÄÊä³ö
Explore the Weighted Overlay tool ̽Ë÷ȨÖصĵþÖ÷ÖÎö¹¤¾ß
Reclassify the slope raster ÖØ·ÖÀàÕ¤¸ñÀàÐ͵ÄƶÈ
Add a vegetation raster to the analysis °ÑÖ²±»µÄÕ¤¸ñÊý¾Ý¼ÓÈëµ½·ÖÎö
Finalize the Weighted Overlay tool parameters Íê³ÉȨÖصþÖ÷ÖÎö²ÎÊý
Lesson review
Answers to Lesson 3 questions
Challenge solution: Make a new toolbar and add functionality

4 Problem-solving with ArcGIS ÓÃArcGIS·ÖÎöÎÊÌâ
Lesson introduction
Key terms
Analysis in ArcGIS
Resource allocation ×ÊÔ´·ÖÅä
Site selection µØÖ·Ñ¡Ôñ
Identifying patterns È·¶¨Ä£Ê½
Topographic analysis ÍØÆË·ÖÎö
Exercise 4A: Perform network analysis ÍøÂç·ÖÎö
Explore a network dataset ÍøÂçÊý¾Ý·ÖÎö
Add a network dataset and build it ´´½¨ÍøÂç·ÖÎöµÄÒªËØ
Make closest facility layer  ´´½¨×î¿¿½üµÄÉèʩͼ²ã
Create network locations and solve closest facility ´´½¨ÍøÂçµÄ·ÖÎö·½ÏòºÍ½â¾öÒªËؼ¯
Add a point restriction to the network¡¡´´½¨×èµ²µã
Exercise 4B: Perform visibility analysis¡¡
Calculate the viewshed for one observer point
Calculate viewsheds using multiple observers
Lesson review
Answers to Lesson 4 questions

5 Visualizing GIS data¡¡¿ÉÊÓ»¯·ÖÎöÊý¾Ý
Lesson introduction
Key terms
Cartographic workflow
ArcGIS Online can enhance maps ArcGIS onlineÔö¼ÓÊý¾Ý±£´æ
Using basemap layers ʹÓñ³¾°Í¼²ã
Working with symbols ¹¤×÷ÖÐʹÓõÄͼ±ê
What are cartographic representations? µØͼµÄÖØÏÖ
Cartographic representation examples µØͼÖØÏֵݸÀý
Bad map, good map, better map ºÃµØͼ£¬»µµØͼµÄ¾ÙÀý
Visual weight ¿É¼ûȨÖØ
iiiData-driven pages
Search-grid map series ËÑË÷Íø¸ñµØͼ
Exercise 5: Create search grid map book ´´½¨Íø¸ñµØͼ
Create a grid-index feature
Explore and create attributes for search grid
Create and apply domains ´´½¨ºÍʹÓÃÓò
Edit search grid attributes and symbolog ±à¼­¸ñµãºÍͼ±ê
Create basemap layers ʹÓûù׼ͼ²ã
Create data-driven pages ´´½¨Êý¾ÝÇý¶¯Ò³
Create layout ´´½¨Êä³öÒ³
Export your maps Êä³öÄãµÄµØͼ
Lesson review
Answers to Lesson 5 questions

6 Sharing maps and data ¹²ÏíÊý¾Ý
Lesson introduction
Key terms
Ways of sharing your data
Packaging your maps and data ´ò°üÄãµÄÊý¾Ý
Sharing models ¹²ÏíÄ£ÐÍ
Setting model parameters ÉèÖÃÄ£ÐͲÎÊý»·¾³
Sharing scripts ¹²Ïí½Å±¾
Serving your maps and data on the web °ÑÄãµÄµØͼ¹²Ïíµ½ÉçÇø
What can be published as an image service?
Publishing raster and mosaic datasets Êä³öÕ¤¸ñºÍÂíÈü¿ËÊý¾Ý¼¯
Geodatabase replication µØÀíÒªËصĸ´ÖÆ
Geodatabase replication scenarios µØÀíÒªËظ´ÖÆÇé¾³
Sharing with a non-ArcGIS user ¹²ÏíºÍûÓÐarcgis
Data-sharing scenarios Êý¾Ý¹²ÏíÇé¾³
Exercise 6: Share GIS data and maps
Share a layer with another user
Share a map with another user
Prepare a model for sharing
Publish a map using the Publisher extension
Lesson review
Answers to Lesson 6 questions
Appendix A: Esri data license agreement
Appendix B: Resources



zb123 ·¢±íÓÚ 2011-11-9 13:35:28 | Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß | ¾Ù±¨
hitfm885 ·¢±íÓÚ 2011-11-9 13:53:52 | Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß | ¾Ù±¨

»Ø 1Â¥(zb123) µÄÌû×Ó

zb123:Ë­Äܽ²½²gisÔÚ³ÇÊй滮ÖеÄÓ¦Óð¡  (2011-11-09 13:35) 
blesseng ·¢±íÓÚ 2011-11-10 11:13:09 | Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß | ¾Ù±¨
hitfm885 ·¢±íÓÚ 2011-11-10 15:29:37 | Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß | ¾Ù±¨

»Ø 3Â¥(blesseng) µÄÌû×Ó

blesseng:ÕýÏëѧѧGIS£¬¸Ð¾õÌ«ÄÑÁË--ºÇºÇ£¡£¡°²×°µÄGIS9.2»¹´¿Ó¢ÎĵĿ´²»¶®°¡--ºº»¯¹¤¾ßÄÑÇ󣡣¡ (2011-11-10 11:13) 
eveblue ·¢±íÓÚ 2011-12-23 10:38:59 | Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß | ¾Ù±¨




ledisonsen ·¢±íÓÚ 2012-1-16 19:09:31 | Ö»¿´¸Ã×÷Õß | ¾Ù±¨
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